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Babylon (OV)

Hollywood, late 1920s: Nellie (Margot Robbie) and Manny (Diego Calva), who both dream of being part of the "dream factory", attend a studio executive's decadent party, where severe substance abuse occurs and an Elephant is used to entertain the guests. The plan works: Nellie's success as an actress is boosted, while Manny, after making friends with established silent movie star Jack Conrad (Brad Pitt), has a career with studio assistant and technician jobs. But with the upcoming of sound film and the changing values of the 1930s, things get harder for Jack as well as for Nellie...

Release 2022
Length 189 min
Age Rating ab 16
Country US/HU
Director Damien Chazelle
Actors Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie, Diego Calva, Jean Smart, Flea, Jovan Adepo, J.C. Currais, Jimmy Ortega, Hansford Prince, Telvin Griffin, Olivia Wilde

Tuesday 11.04.2023 20:15 Uhr, Aula